/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    speak the devil

    when we speak about a slut , how we fuck her how she suck , like etc, and suddenly if she appears , we use this idiiom , shhhh keep your voice silent , speak the devil the whore there.

    selling like hot cakes

    when a beautiful slut decided to sell her body , she can find customer easly , so we can use this idiom , prostitutes sell their body like hot cakes

    once a blue moon

    sometimes sluts decided to stop being a whore they try to start zero but it happens only once a blue moon , a whore always whore they cannot change

    fat cat
    sluts like fat cat customers , they can give expensive gifts to sluts and they can solve sluts problems
  2. 2.
    can a mod change the title
    i will share with you some common idioms
    1. 1.
      What's ur problem with sluts man 😃
      1. 1.
        i dont have any problem with these whores i just want everyone see their cruel real feelings