1. 1.
    fuck me
    1. 1.
      dont upgrade level
      1. 1.
        That joke thoo i have broken to 2 piece
      2. 2.
        Fucking asshole!
        Nice tittle asshole!
  2. 2.
    I fucked your mother at the hills of Wales xD
    1. 1.
      +2 -2
      leftist detected. i hate you all
      1. 1.
        +1 -2
        Its isnt on my dick
  3. 3.
    +21 -2
    Ay hav gate van pensıl
    1. 1.
      +2 -1
      surprise mother fucker
  4. 4.
    +14 -1
    i will put yoghurt in your mother's pussy and fuck her until it's become ayran
  5. 5.
    seni fuckdim panpa helal et
    1. 1.
      Fuckdim ne lan acafacacshzbwjd
  6. 6.
    yes no fuck the mother brain you go and my got does they are swiming and you are ride a bicyle because i am jump to your father but my brother his no like walking i am reading galatasaray you are from football so brain is run or jump the jump and kangaroo say it no i am pencil it is grandmother pencil okey lets go
    1. 1.
      Neyce konuşuyon amk
    2. 2.
      +3 -1
      My england
    3. 3.
      nasıl la güzel mi ingilizcem
      1. 1.
        Güzel ama ingilicce
      2. 2.
        +1 -1
        sen anlamazsın panpa ingiltere de bizim köylü arkadaş var o öğretti asil ingilizce böyle
      3. 3.
        lan baya bildigin besteledim ben bunu
        yakında rap müzük olarak piyasaya girerim helal et panpa
      4. diğerleri 1
    4. 4.
      entry-nick matched perfectly lol
    5. diğerleri 2
  7. 7.
    Benim adım namee
  8. 8.
    Hasgibtiro yannanıyediklo engilizcem çatpottır ho
  9. 9.
    ne dıyonuz fuckuklarım
  10. 10.
    +5 -2
    Aminizi giberim izin vermiyom amk
    1. 1.
      +17 -1
      no one asked you
    2. 2.
      ne diyon lan sen?
    3. 3.
      ne yaptı sizin oğlan belediyeye girdi mi diye sordu
    4. diğerleri 1
  11. 11.
    Why turkish people sends me friend at facebook
    1. 1.
      highschool students doesn't understand that joke hahaha
  12. 12.
    thank you sit down please

    sirkan tahtayı sil bin
  13. 13.
    Şimdi bunlar yabancı olduna göreeeeee ANANI GiBEYiM ehehehehehehe
  14. 14.
    yu mada faka kak sakığ yu tfink yu ken ful miiii?
  15. 15.
    the high school boy of grandmother who i fucked
  16. 16.
    Lets talk about politics then.
    1. 1.
      +8 -14
      Communism will rise!

      1. marx
      2. engels
      3. lenin
      4. stalin
      5. mao
      6. enverhoca
      1. 1.
        +4 -4
        fucking leftist ! get the fuck outta here !
      2. 2.
        +34 -1
        S.a. rightist how many çomars did you fucked today?
      3. 3.
        +2 -1
        fuck communism and communist.
        nazis will rise, and fuck all of you!
      4. 4.
        @2.1.3 inshallah my dear friend yhaaaaaa
      5. 5.
        +6 -1
        RIGHTISTS >>>>>>>>>>> leftists

        HA HA !
      6. 6.


        ay gotume diken batti kanar mi
        Ayran ictin mi
      7. 7.
        my name is furkan
      8. 8.
        What r u talking about ?
      9. 9.
        +2 -7
        ben bunu bozarım aga
      10. 10.
        +6 -1
        are you disco are you sex
      11. 11.
        +1 -1
        amk çalıntı başlıkçı orrospu çocukları bu başlık daha önceden açıldı bide trend olmus http://www.incisozluk.com...n-speak-english-fluently/
      12. 12.
        Sultan Galiyev?
      13. 13.
        The image above looks like a medieval mace: a tubular structure with nasty-looking spikes. But these are no carefully crafted human weapons.
        Instead, they are the penis spines of a bat. For some bats, sex is quite literally a thorny business.
        The question is, why do some bats have penile spines? What are they for, and why do their sizes and shapes vary so much? Based on what we know from other species with similarly spiky penises, there are several possibilities.
        Perhaps the spines remove the sperm of rival males, or hold a pair of copulating bats together while they mate in mid-air. Or maybe they really are a kind of weapon: conceivably they evolved to damage the female's genitals, preventing her from mating with additional males. The passage about sex life of bats. U should learn these informations for ur general cultural development. And this is a photo of pennis belonging to a bat. http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/w...ive/p0/32/6q/p0326qn8.jpg
      14. 14.
      15. 15.
        Bu başlığı açan ingiliz ajanı beyler bu oyuna gelmeyin "TÜRK DEMEK TÜRKÇE DEMEKTiR, NE MUTLU TÜRK'ÜM DiYENE"
      16. 16.
        Keep calm and fuck yourself @1
      17. 17.
      18. 18.
        Daemond dictionary.
      19. 19.
        Actually that is interesting move for our e-dictionary. finally we get rid of porn things.
      20. 20.
        I like pearl dictionary guys. At the same time, speaking english topic has a very good idea. I'm a translation student in university and I have finished prep school this year. Maybe I have some mistakes but I believe that, I will improve my foreign language.
      21. 21.
        Oramadegilburamako , cohsohtuncek mataramasuko!!!
      22. diğerleri 19
    2. 2.
      Haha that was the foolish answer I have ever seen lol.
    3. 3.
      i hate that. how many soldiers we lost recently ?
      1. 1.
        I know but there is nothing we could do. This is all goverment's fault.
      2. 2.
        Thats the fascist's fault
      3. 3.
        Simok wek evri dey
      4. diğerleri 1
    4. 4.
      mother zaaaaaaaa xdeeee
    5. diğerleri 2
  17. 17.
    I don't think these noobs around here can't understand for shit.
  18. 18.
    What do you mean my just problem i not have girl wher are you girls i want fuck your pussy
  19. 19.
    hey guys. i learned english while i was 4 years old in preschool, so yes i am rich kid. i didnt improve my english too much even i had the opportunity but fuck it, right? when you have money you dont need anything else.
  20. 20.
    why did you put only american and british flags there? as an honorary australian, i take offense to that. i'm sure new zealanders, canadians, and citizens of many other countries that have english as an official language will do so too.
    1. 1.
      you call that british flag ? well, i can see it on your flag too... it's uk bitch
      1. 1.
        oh shut up ya arrogant twat. 1000 australians can destroy 10000 brits. we can drown you in our spit. every aussie is born soldier. we live free or die hard. if you piss us off even god can't save the queen.
    2. 2.
      shut the fuck up and obey your queen.
      1. 1.
        we don't obey no one, our elected representatives obey us. we only call your queen queen to humor her, as she's living on borrowed time.